For those looking for a way to get a clear picture of their Expenses and Taxes, there is a wonderful calculator/organizer you get. It's two different excel sheets with formulas already inputted. So basically you enter the data and the excel sheet auto calculates this for you.
Why use it?
1. You can enter data and see the result yourself instantly
2. You can alter various parameters if the need be. (please read the excel sheet properly before doing that)
3. It is colour coded
4. The sections wonderfully explained
5. Automatic Charts and graphs output
Yes taxes keeping on changing and this is why you ought to keep checking back on the site, as both the excel sheets are updated periodically! If you do use it, do yourself a favour, email a copy of it to yourself as a backup. And don't forget a comment of thanks on their blog.
This wonderful app (yes it is almost like a separate application) is designed by Simon Peter and Kayarvizhy. Check out...
Comprehensive Expense Organizer
Tax Planner
Thank you Simon Peter and Kayarvizhy for this wonderful service.